Multiple victims in terrorist attacks and accidents
Course of assistance to multiple victims in accidents, attacks and terrorist attacks. Assistance to multiple victims is the situation in which the Emergency Services are not able to control an accident or a terrorist attack in 15 minutes. In this course you will learn to control it
Flip maneuver with a single rescuer
© Murcia 2006. RPI nº08 / 2006/309. The technique of turning the victim in the case of having only one rescuer. We consider, after the assessment of a traumatized patient and the suspicion of a possible complication at the cervical level, the importance of keeping the head-neck-trunk axis aligned. For this, it is essential to perform a light cervical traction that ensures correct preservation of spinal integrity.
Course of protection and self-protection
The courses of self-defense are focused mainly for health, teachers and security services. Based on the principles of the MMA (Method kajukembo, mixed martial art) and the Taekwon-Do method (traditional Korean martial art) of the master Yu Han, IFUR offers an intensive basic personal defense course, focused on all people regardless of height, weight or sex The objective of the courses is to be able to offer an effective, rapid and forceful response against any aggressor in an appropriate manner with the means available to them, hands
Test in the field
Health logistics in emergencies
The objective of this course is to know how to collaborate in the organization and development of sanitary logistics in scenarios with multiple victims and catastrophes, in order to ensure the supply, management of resources and support in coordination tasks in situations of crisis.
Basic Ultrasound Course for Emergency and Emergency Physicians
Directed to: Medicine graduates. Emergency doctors. Scope: Hospitable and Extrahospitalario. 10h
Airway Management and Orotracheal Intubation
Directed to: Medicine graduates. Emergency doctors. Scope: Hospitable and Extrahospitalario. 20h
Course of update in Pediatric Emergencies
Directed to: Medicine graduates. Emergency doctors. Scope: Hospitable and Extrahospitalario. 20h
Flip maneuver with a single rescuer
© Murcia 2006. RPI nº08 / 2006/309. The technique of turning the victim in the case of having only one rescuer. We consider, after the assessment of a traumatized patient and the suspicion of a possible complication at the cervical level, the importance of keeping the head-neck-trunk axis aligned. For this, it is essential to perform a light cervical traction that ensures correct preservation of spinal integrity.
Multiple victims in terrorist attacks and accidents
Course of assistance to multiple victims in accidents, attacks and terrorist attacks. Assistance to multiple victims is the situation in which the Emergency Services are not able to control an accident or a terrorist attack in 15 minutes. In this course you will learn to control it
Course of protection and self-protection
The courses of self-defense are focused mainly for health, teachers and security services. Based on the principles of the MMA (Method kajukembo, mixed martial art) and the Taekwon-Do method (traditional Korean martial art) of the master Yu Han, IFUR offers an intensive basic personal defense course, focused on all people regardless of height, weight or sex The objective of the courses is to be able to offer an effective, rapid and forceful response against any aggressor in an appropriate manner with the means available to them, hands
Test in the field
Health logistics in emergencies
The objective of this course is to know how to collaborate in the organization and development of sanitary logistics in scenarios with multiple victims and catastrophes, in order to ensure the supply, management of resources and support in coordination tasks in situations of crisis.
Out-of-hospital emergency care courses for nursing
Course of update in Pediatric Emergencies.
Course on handling, mobilization and transport of victims. 20, 40 and 60 h
CPR course and management of DESA, basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation and semiautomatic defibrillator management. 14h Persephone II Program
Emergency and Out-of-hospital Emergencies
Coping with critical situations. Stress management
Personal Defense Courses
Focused mainly for health, teachers and security services. Based on the principles of the MMA (Method kajukembo, mixed martial art) and the Taekwon-Do method (traditional Korean martial art) of the master Yu Han, IFUR offers an intensive basic personal defense course, focused on all people regardless of height, weight or sex The objective of the courses is to be able to offer an effective, rapid and forceful response against any aggressor in an appropriate manner with the means available to them, hands
Course of assistance to multiple victims in accidents and terrorist attacks
Assistance to multiple victims is the situation in which the Emergency Services are not able to control an accident or a terrorist attack in 15 minutes. In this course you will learn to control it
Turning maneuver course with a single rescuer
© Murcia 2006. RPI nº08 / 2006/309. The technique of turning the victim in the case of having only one rescuer. We consider, after the assessment of a traumatized patient and the suspicion of a possible complication at the cervical level, the importance of keeping the head-neck-trunk axis aligned. For this, it is essential to perform a light cervical traction that ensures correct preservation of spinal integrity.
DIRECTED TO: First participants in emergencies, emergencies and catastrophes.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). Advanced Life Support
Duration: 20 teaching hours
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
RCP Major changes in pediatric advanced life support, reflecting the new science of the 2015 Guidelines and the 2017 updates from the American Heart Association for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care.
Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization (PEARS)
CPR course and management of DESA, basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation and semiautomatic defibrillator management. 14h Persephone II Program
Basic training for prevention at work
First cycle of training.
Preventive training in the construction sector. TPC
Other training in occupational risk prevention
Prevention of occupational risks for the Metal Sector that carry out their activity in the construction works
First cycle of training.
Prevention of occupational risks for the Ferralla sector that carry out their activity in the construction works
First cycle of training.
Prevention of occupational risks for Extractive Industries, Glass Industries, Ceramic Industries and exclusive trade of the same materials
Preventive training for the performance of the job of the regulation of basic standards of mining safety
Updates on catastrophes for firefighters
Training for environmental agents
Courses for security and protection agents
CPR course and management of DESA, basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation and semiautomatic defibrillator management. 14h Persephone II Program
Course of Non-Verbal Communication and Detection of Lie
Management of fire extinguishers. Basic course of fires
This course aims to train the people who are the recipients in the use and handling of fire extinguishers, train them to face fire situations and know how to act in a coordinated and correct manner.
Specific English of attention to the public and to the patient
To improve communication between the user and worker. In addition to acquiring the specific and scientific language related to the profession.
First Aid Course for Teachers and Parents
Course objective: Provide teachers and parents with the necessary knowledge in the field of first aid to assist students.
Acuatic first aid
Salvage and First Aid are the fundamental cornerstones in this profession, the aquatic rescue. Therefore, at IFUR, all our lifeguards are trained specifically on beaches. Any lifeguard, in any emergency situation in the middle.
First Aid Course for Bikers